Fair, Flexible and Customer-Focused – Pricing from Socius24

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Socius24 are an award-winning Blue Yonder software reseller. This puts us at the forefront of delivering Dispatcher WMS (Warehouse Management Software), a robust and industry-leading solution. How we price that delivery comes down to our commitment to transparency, fairness and adaptability. 

Our Partnership with Blue Yonder 

Working with Blue Yonder allows us to offer Dispatcher WMS, a best-in-breed warehouse management system that’s renowned for its comprehensive functionality and scalability.  

This relationship means that we adhere to Blue Yonder’s licensing models, which are designed to cater for all business sizes and types. 

This kind of licensing means that our customers receive a reliable and continuously updated WMS that is supported by a global leader in supply chain solutions. 

Fair and Transparent Pricing 

We believe in straightforward and fair pricing.  

We tailor our fees to align with the specific requirements and operational needs of our customers, ensuring that they only pay for what they need. We do this because it not only helps our customers achieve cost-effectiveness, but because it also aids in their financial planning and budget management.  

Pricing this way helps make costs predictable and manageable, without any hidden fees. 

tPacks from Socius24 

We know that each warehouse and operation is different, and as such, has unique needs. Because of this, we offer tPacks – pre-purchased service hours that our customers can use for whatever they need from us, be that custom work, or training and support.  

This system has been designed to offer our customer the flexibility that they need to adapt the functionality of their WMS according to their evolving needs – without the commitment to extensive contracts. 

tPacks transform how enhancements and support are delivered, and they offer a cost-effective way to manage and extend the capabilities of your new WMS. 

USP and eBilling 

Because many of the Socius24 team were intimately involved in the development and initial implementations of Dispatcher WMS, we believe we know it better than anyone. 

And this puts us in the unique position of being able to develop our own Apps that are available to augment its functionality. We have two options, User Services Portal (USP) which expands and augments the functionality offered by Dispatcher WMS in some specific arenas, and eBilling, which is our database-independent, system agnostic third party billing app. 

With our own products, we offer a flex up and down rental model, which means that you’re never paying for more than you need.  

If you need to ramp your users up, it can be done rapidly to support peaks like Black Friday or Christmas, and then the number of users can be ramped back down again once the peak has passed. 

The Benefits of our Pricing Model 

We believe that there are some significant benefits to our pricing model: 

Transparency – our customers understand what they are paying for and why, with all costs clearly outlines from the start. 

Flexibility – the ability to buy tPacks and use our services as needed allows operations to scale their solutions and support without overspending. 

Scalability – as businesses grow, our pricing and service structure grows with them, supporting any increased complexity and functionality without the need for a complete system overhaul. 

Our pricing is designed to support your business growth and its adaptability. Whether you want to expand operations, or need more system integration, or if you’re simply looking to enhance your WMS’ current capabilities – our pricing structure is built to accommodate your needs. 

We are committed to providing a pricing and service framework that works for our customers – now, and in the long-term. 

If you have any questions, or you’d like more information, then please contact us on info@socius24.com. 

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